25 November 2010

Random Thoughts of Thankfulness...

FOR GOD...and for my ever-evolving, continually challenging, demanding, vital, compelling, and ultimately indispensable relationship with Him.  My life is full.

FOR MY HUSBAND...who, though not perfect, is perfect for me.  I am thankful to God each and every day for giving me this man who cherishes me, showers me with love, meets my needs, provokes me only a little, parents our son exceedingly well, understands (and loves me despite/because of) my weaknesses, genuinely enjoys my company, appreciates & challenges my intellect, and makes this wild & wonderful ride called marriage complete.

FOR MY SON...who fills my life every day with laughter & joy.  He is smart, easygoing & hilarious.  He enriches our lives so much with his thorough enjoyment of life, and his complete (and sometimes unexpected) appreciation of hilarity and absurdity.  He walks confidently to the beat of his own drummer and happy dances to express his joy.  I hope & pray he lives his entire life with this full to overflowing joyfulness that permeates his outlook.

FOR MY FRIENDS...who show me daily that I am loved & valued.  Thank you, God, for giving me these colorful, smart, beautiful, lovely people who enrich my life in ways that show YOUR desire that we not walk through this life alone.  I am exceeding grateful!

FOR MY FAMILY...who are steadfast, intelligent and strong.  Some of the best examples I have of enduring and happy marriages, of disciplined pursuit of goals, of entrepreneurial success, of academic achievement, of capably navigating the waters of adulthood, of appreciating the silly side of life, and of finding joy in the smallest of things come from my family.

FOR THE BIG THINGS...God's sovereignty, mercy, love, providence, and so much more; the life, liberty & pursuit of happiness endowed to us by the Creator; this wonderful, prosperous, exceptional nation in which we live; the men & women who work tirelessly to protect and defend our nation and our way of life; irrepressible and unconditional love; spiritual and political convictions, and the strength to live by them; freedom....Freedom...FREEDOM.

FOR THE SMALL THINGS...coffee in the morning, snuggle time with my sweet boy, good movies, more books to read than can be read in a lifetime, music that saturates my soul, satisfying conversations, imported and micro-brewed beer, fine red wine, living with pets, being unafraid, writing, the smell of eucalyptus, roller coasters, constantly learning something new every day, making lists, wittiness, spiritually convicting sermons, listening to my son giggle, expressions of affection, my husband's cooking abilities, reading, staying connected with friends, pedicures, restful sleep in a comfortable bed,people who make me laugh, and lazy Thanksgiving mornings when I have the luxury of writing down my random thoughts.

I am thankful!


  1. This is one of the best posts I've read. :)

  2. Thanks Becki! That's one of the best compliments I've ever received! :-)
